Guest Focus Guarantee
You’ll earn back your investment in our coaching program, or we’ll keep working for free until you do — that’s the Guest Focus Guarantee.

Why We Provide This Guarantee
Growing your tour business is our mission. In fact, it’s our singular focus as a company. Thanks to this laser-focus we’ve become really successful at generating revenue growth for tour operators.
We’ve discovered what works and what doesn’t. We’ve tested and refined what works and crafted it into a step-by-step methodology — the Guest Focus Formula™.
The Guest Focus Formula™ contains little-known growth hacks, done-for-you resources, industry-specific marketing strategies and conversion techniques, all expertly combined to successfully start, rapidly grow or triumphantly exit a tour business.
It works. That’s why we can guarantee results. Plus, we want to stay true to our mission of growing tour businesses.
If you’ve come to the end of your coaching program and you haven’t (at least) earned back your investment, we’re disappointed. Let’s make it right.
Free Strategy Call
Book a FREE 45-minute call with one of our tour business coaches to review your goals, explore your challenges, and receive actionable steps to grow your tour business