Harnessing the Impact of Mission, Vision, and Values

The power of laying out a clear vision, underpinned by strong values, and supported by tangible goals is undeniable.
Harnessing the Impact of Mission, Vision, and Values

Harnessing the Impact of Mission, Vision, and Values

Success in the world of tours and activities isn’t a product of chance; it’s the outcome of a clear vision, steadfast values, and actionable goals. These principles apply not only to tour entrepreneurs but resonate universally across all small business sectors. The power of laying out a clear vision, underpinned by strong values, and supported by tangible goals is undeniable.

As Zig Ziglar succinctly put it, “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” But what do these concepts mean in practice, especially for tour operators?

Vision: The Guiding Star

Your vision acts as your guiding star, shaping your products, services, and the very essence of your brand. Let’s look at the case of Tom Hale from Backroads Tours, the globally renowned active travel company. Hale’s vision was inspired by his love for active travel, enjoying the tranquility of hiking in unfamiliar terrains, and relishing the countryside at his pace. Today, serving 40,000 guests annually, his clear vision has consistently directed his decisions, enabling him to decline deviations that didn’t align with his initial purpose.

On a more boutique scale, in our coaching program, we have Honey and Yousef. They’re revolutionizing Islamic travel by crafting Muslim-friendly itineraries. Their guests don’t fret about dietary restrictions or finding places to pray; they simply immerse themselves in their journey, all while reconnecting with their rich cultural traditions.

Values: The Compass of Your Business

While a vision provides direction, it’s your values that serve as a compass, ensuring you stay true to your mission and brand. Consider John Laverne of Bulldog Tours. A deep-rooted value of giving back to his Charleston community led him to pledge a percentage of his tour sales to local non-profit organizations, dedicated to preserving Charleston’s heritage. His values have translated into over $5 million in donations, leaving an indelible mark on his community.

Goal Setting: The Map to Success

With a guiding star and compass in hand, you’ll need a map to navigate the terrain. This map is your goal-setting process. The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) framework has proven invaluable for businesses around the world. Specificity in goals, such as “double my owner’s compensation in 12 months,” can drastically change your direction compared to vague aims like “I’d like more take-home pay.”

I’ll admit, adopting this detailed goal-setting technique didn’t come instinctively to me, but its profound impact on both my personal and professional life has been undeniable. My passion for travel, coupled with a clear goal, enabled me to craft a business that could operate from any corner of the world. It allowed me to share the magic of travel with my three daughters, instilling in them the same love for exploration that I’ve cherished for years.

Your Next Steps:

For those eager to etch their mark in the tour business industry, it’s time to get proactive. Begin by articulating your vision and let it permeate every fiber of your business. Uphold your values and let them guide your decisions. Finally, set SMART goals to chart out your journey. Taking the time now to establish these foundational elements will yield dividends in the future, ensuring your business thrives in an increasingly competitive landscape.


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